dancing girl press

dancing girl press & studio


The Bulk of the Mailable Universe
Jules Gibbs
dancing girl press, 2011
available in our online shop

Jules Gibbs picks up and moves about every three years, but she currently calls Syracuse, NY, her home. She likes teaching poetry to adults in non-traditional settings, and to children in all settings. Someone recently made a mistake and chose her work for inclusion in the anthology, Best New Poets, 2009. She's grateful for such errors.


How did we stumble upon
this chromatogram of web
recomendada, a dot-com
beautification project?
It’s abusable.
Try again, preponderant churchgoer —
I think I can help you work out
the fit, design and power
of your gingerbread sloop
and when all that is done
commit to the market-wise,
turn your passion into an empire.